
In 1933 the wonderful waterpolo association De Walvisch (The Whale) arose from the Groningen Studentencorp Vindicat Atque Polit. Over time it grew to become the largest student waterpolo association in Netherlands and posibly Europe. the tradition or mores of our association have historical roots in those of Vindicat, but over the past 80 years we have developed our own distictive personality.

Our traditions are threefold: Drank, List and Conditie roughly translated into Booz, Cunning and Endurance.

Some of the most important aspects of our association are its social events. Ranging from tournaments, near weekly matches, our private parties and the traditional visit to the bar. As such there is always room and time to pick up a drank and see where this will take you. Perhaps afterwards you will have a story or two to tell.

The life of a person with List is always interesting and you are going to need this to be ahead of the curve. Here at The Walvisch we like to see what conningness you have to offer. If you dont think you have it yet, we are more then willing to show you the ropes.

Conditie allowes you to swim fast and play hard, but it is also what you need to handle yourself at the bar. This and of course Drank and List, you will get plenty of practice in when you join De Walvisch.

Now if that has gotten you excited and you are wondering what it’s all about, feel free to join us at one of our trainings and participate.
To find our trainings schedule you can click on this link

If you would like to have more information or already feel like signing up you can send an email to this adres: abactis@gszcdewalvisch.nl. Dont forget to add your Name, Email adres and phone number. We will contact you as soon as posible.

Every year, De Walvisch has its own schedule during the KEI-week. In addition to the sports market and the KEI market, De Walvisch also organizes its own activities. On this page, you can learn more about where to find us and how to contact us.

Are you interested in our association or have questions about our activities? Then send an email to abactis@gszcdewalvisch.nl!

Watch our promotional video next to see the opinions of some of our members!