Is-De-Koffie-Al-Bruin Committee

The Is-De-Koffie-Al-Bruin Committee is the most secret committee within our association. So secret that its composition is not known except to the board. The Is-De-Koffie-Al-Bruin Committee is also the only committee that is not accountable to the General Meeting of Members.

The task of this – oh so important – committee is to collect all cups and other prizes that have been won by the various teams and/or the cups that have been stolen. The committee announces itself to the members with the sentence: “Meneer of mevrouw, heeft u de koffie al bruin?” if it deems this necessary for the performance of its duties.

Committee members 2023-2024

  • Not even God knows…

Every year, De Walvisch has its own schedule during the KEI-week. In addition to the sports market and the KEI market, De Walvisch also organizes its own activities. On this page, you can learn more about where to find us and how to contact us.

Are you interested in our association or have questions about our activities? Then send an email to!

Watch our promotional video next to see the opinions of some of our members!