Welcome at 

G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch

On this website you will find all information about student waterpolo association De Walvisch

The Association

Read more about the activities, drinks and history of De Walvisch.


Read more about all the different teams at De Walvisch.

Become a member

Read more about membership.

About G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch

G.S.Z.C. de Walvisch from Groningen is a standout in and around Dutch waters. ‘t Vlaggenschip plays nationally in the third national league. The other teams also manage to keep their heads well above water.

With two Heeren teams and one Damesch teams, the Walvisch has a lot to offer to both seasoned and novice water polo players. The three teams compete in the regular KNZB leagues, making for a day full of home matches every few weeks. Here everyone shouts and sings each to victory. Each team has its own traditions and customs, including organizing dinners, get-togethers, team weekends abroad and attending waterpolo tournaments in the summer.

Are you planning to study in Groningen and would you like to play waterpolo with us? Feel free to come and join us! Because we have several teams, we can surely find a suitable spot for you. You can train a few times without any obligations!


Follow G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok!

Teams of G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch

Here you can find all team of G.S.Z.C. de Walvisch. Click on a team to find more information!

‘t Vlaggenschip

‘t Vlaggenschip is the first Heerenteam of G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch. ‘t Vlaggenschip plays nationally in the third league.

Damesch I

Damesch I is the first Dameschteam of G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch. Damesch I plays in the first district league.

Heeren van II

Heeren van II is the second Heerenteam of G.S.Z.C. De Walvisch. De Heeren van II play in the second district league.

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