Rules of Conduct and Confidential Advisor

Our Rules of Conduct  (drawn up according to the code of conduct of NOC*NSF)

In sport, we have jointly drawn up rules of conduct, codes of conduct and disciplinary regulations. We translate these formal agreements into daily practice at an association through how we interact with each other. Behavior is an important determinant of the culture in your sport. A socially safe sports environment in turn depends on that culture.

How do we do that together now? In the High5 step-by-step plan, associations are included in how they can set up policies and rules and apply them in practice. 

What rules have been agreed?

Rules of conduct have been drawn up for each target group in sport: administratorrefereetrainers/coachathlete and top athlete

More information about disciplinary regulations can be found on the website of the Institute of Sport Rechtspraak ISR and your own sports association. Regulations on match fixing can be found here, for anti-doping here and on the website of the Doping Authority

The Confidential Advisor

Within De Walvisch we think it is extremely important that everyone feels safe and that there is a nice atmosphere. The confidential advisor plays an important role in this, as they are the first point of contact in the event of undesirable behavior or other problems. They offer a listening ear in all cases, will be impartial and will give advice on how best to deal with the situation in question.

Have you experienced a certain situation as unpleasant? Or do you encounter other (personal) problems? Then be sure to contact one of our confidential advisors.

Within De Walvisch we have two confidential advisors, a man and a woman. If you need a different, more independent point of contact, the confidential advisor of the ACLO will be there for you! Another option for an independent confidential contact person is at the Center for Safe Sports.
Details of our confidential advisors can be found in our Contact.


Every year, De Walvisch has its own schedule during the KEI-week. In addition to the sports market and the KEI market, De Walvisch also organizes its own activities. On this page, you can learn more about where to find us and how to contact us.

Are you interested in our association or have questions about our activities? Then send an email to!

Watch our promotional video next to see the opinions of some of our members!